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Su portafolio deberá contener los siguientes elementos 

  • Hoja de Presentación
  • Encuadre 
  • Reglas del Juego 
  • Expectativas 
  • Evaluación Diagnostica
  • Tabla de Ponderación
  • Perfil de Egreso
  • Mapa Curricular
  • Matriz competencias del Modulo
  • Evidencias por rubrica
  • separador para actividades socio-emocionales

Portafolio de evidencias  

verde para info - azul marino para motores
  • Color , Tamaño y Etiqueta
  • Presentación 
  • Políticas y Objetivos


Documentos de encuadre ( reglas ,Expectativas,reglamento escolar, mapa modulo ,tabla ponderación, perfil de egreso)

separador por unidad 

documento de auto-evaluación 

Para la tabla de ponderación , rubrica ,mapa curricular en el apartado de paginas 


  1. Emmanuel cruz cruz MODI 105

    A: Hi! My name is Emmanuel
    B: Can you spell your name?
    A: Sure it’s E-M-M-A-N-U-E-L
    A: And wats your name?
    B: My name is cristian.
    A: How do you spell it?
    B: C-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
    B: Wat’s your last name?
    A: My last name is Cruz Cruz
    B: How do you spell it?
    A: C-R-U-Z C-R-U-Z.
    A: What about you? What´syour last name?
    B: My last name is Perez del Angel
    A: Can you spell it?
    B: Sure, it´s P-E-R-E-Z D-E-L A-N-G-E-L
    A: How old are you?
    B: I’m 15 years and you
    A: I´m 14 years
    A: Tell me about your mother and father
    B: My mother´s name is Carmela and my father is Nicanor
    A: Can you spell their names
    B: Ok C-A-R-M-E-L-A and N-I-C-A-N-O-R
    B: What are your parent´s names?
    A: My mother name is cristina and ny father name is francisco
    B: Can your spell their names
    A: Ok C-R-I-S-T-I-N-A and F-R-A-N-C-I-S-C-O
    B: do you have siblings?
    A: yes a brother and a sister
    Oh you?
    B: no I am an only child
    A: Could you give me your phone number?
    B. ok, 7831408882
    B: and what is your phone number?
    A: 7831265375
    A: What activities does your mother do during the week?
    B: my mother does household cleaning every day
    B: she every day watches tv
    B: and your mother who does weekdays?
    A: my mother gets up early every day and watches TV occasionally
    A: what does your mother do on weekends?
    B: going to eat pizza with the family
    A: My mother wakes up late and we go to the football game on Sunday afternoons
    B: well Emmanuel I have to go talk later.
    A: if we talk later then Cristian

  2. Vianey Adrina Castan Sevilla MODI 105

    Pablo:Hello! Good morning
    Valería:Hi! Good morning
    Pablo:How are you?
    Valería:All right. And you?
    Pablo: All right. What's tour name?

  3. Miguel de Jesús Blanco Santiago 105 Modi

    Pedro:-Hello ,good morning
    Mario:-Hello , good morning
    Pedro:-What is your name?
    Mario:-May name is Mario !!! what is your name?
    Pedro:-My name is Pedro.
    Mario:-I am very happy to meet you.
    Pedro:-Now oid are you friend.
    Mario:- I am 15 iwas born on Agust.
    And where do you turn years?
    Pedro:-Friend what good imeet January 22 and iam from the year 2002
    Mario :- Look how good what is name the moders ?
    Pedro:- They name is Reyna Santiago Salas and Miguel Blaco Santiago
    Mario:-what does mom do?
    Pedro :-My momis a hausewife
    Mario :- and your dad who is dedicated?
    Pedro:-My dad a merchant he usually walks out of state

  4. Vianey Adriana Castan Sevilla MODI 105

    Pablo:Hello! Good morning
    Valería:Hi! Good morning
    Pablo:How are you?
    Valería:All right. And you?
    Pablo:All right. What's your name?
    Valería:My name is Valería Castan
    Pablo:How do you spell it?
    Pablo:How old are you?
    Valería:I'am fifteen years old
    Pablo:What's yoir address?
    Valería: My address is 9th street and 4th avenue house #7.
    Pablo:What's your telephone number?
    Valería:Muy telephone number is 7831386155.
    Pablo:Tell me about your mother and father?
    Valería:My mother's name is Rosenda and my father's name is Eusebio.
    Pablo:Can you spell their names
    Valeria:R-o-s-e-n-d-a and E-u-s-b-i-o
    Pablo:And what you do un the week?
    Valería:I always watch TV with my sister and un the afternoon. I work with my friends and un the evening I have dinner with my family.
    Pablo:And what are you doing con the weekend.
    Valería:I always go to my music class un the afternoon un the evening i have dinner with my family.
    Pablo:And your mom who does weekday?
    Valería:In the morning she makes lunch. Afterwards she always washes his clothes and un the afternoon she sees his novel.
    Pablo:And then weekend that your mom does.
    Valería:We sometimes are going to visit my grandma.
    Pablo:And your dad doing weekedays.
    Valería:He always works as a taxi driver all over the city.
    Pablo:And then weekend that your dad does.
    Valería:He likes to always go out And play soccer with his friends un the afternoon.
    Pablo:Ok. Good bye.
    Valería:Good bye.

  5. jose de jesus garcia siverio MODI 105

    Peter- can you young
    Jesus- yes, can I help you?
    Peter- I want to register at the vacation club.
    Jesus- what's your name?
    Peter- Peter Logan
    Jesus- how old are you?
    Peter- I'm 20 years old
    Jesus- what is your address?
    Peter- My address is Calle Arances House # 7
    Jesus- what is your phone number?
    Peter- my phone number is 7831732643
    Jesus- ok, the club starts on Monday
    Peter- thank
    peter- ya yegue mother
    laura- what a good son
    Peter- I can ask you some questions
    Laura- clear son tell me
    Peter- what do you do every day?
    laura- well I do the food, lab, I care atus brothers
    Peter- and what are you doing at the weekend?
    laura- meboy shopping with my friends, for example, a coopel
    lauar- that son estodo that boy do the food
    Peter- if mother is everything
    Peter- a mother question
    lauradime son
    Peter-hasvisto ami father
    laura- yes son is back in the garden
    peter-garcias mother boy averlo
    peter- how nice that I see you father told me my mother that you were to whom
    manuel- and tell me son so you were looking for me
    I would ask you some questions father
    manuel- haver tell me the questions
    Peter- what do you do every day?
    manuel- well I work from 8am to 10pm
    Peter- and what do you do on weekends?
    manuel- well I help your mother to do the house
    peter- good father thats all thanks
    peter- a father can you do me a favor
    Manuel son
    Peter- can you interview me?
    Manuel- clear son
    Manuel- What do you do every day?
    Peter- well I do my homework, I help my mother ect
    Manuel- and what do you do on weekends?
    Peter- well I am amis training football, boy to the movies with my friends etc.
    Peter- Thank you father that
    peter- ya meboy ami fourth father

  6. jose de jesus garcia siverio MODI 105

    Peter- can you young
    Jesus- yes, can I help you?
    Peter- I want to register at the vacation club.
    Jesus- what's your name?
    Peter- Peter Logan
    Jesus- how old are you?
    Peter- I'm 20 years old
    Jesus- what is your address?
    Peter- My address is Calle Arances House # 7
    Jesus- what is your phone number?
    Peter- my phone number is 7831732643
    Jesus- ok, the club starts on Monday
    Peter- thank
    peter- ya yegue mother
    laura- what a good son
    Peter- I can ask you some questions
    Laura- clear son tell me
    Peter- what do you do every day?
    laura- well I do the food, lab, I care atus brothers
    Peter- and what are you doing at the weekend?
    laura- meboy shopping with my friends, for example, a coopel
    lauar- that son estodo that boy do the food
    Peter- if mother is everything
    Peter- a mother question
    lauradime son
    Peter-hasvisto ami father
    laura- yes son is back in the garden
    peter-garcias mother boy averlo
    peter- how nice that I see you father told me my mother that you were to whom
    manuel- and tell me son so you were looking for me
    I would ask you some questions father
    manuel- haver tell me the questions
    Peter- what do you do every day?
    manuel- well I work from 8am to 10pm
    Peter- and what do you do on weekends?
    manuel- well I help your mother to do the house
    peter- good father thats all thanks
    peter- a father can you do me a favor
    Manuel son
    Peter- can you interview me?
    Manuel- clear son
    Manuel- What do you do every day?
    Peter- well I do my homework, I help my mother ect
    Manuel- and what do you do on weekends?
    Peter- well I am amis training football, boy to the movies with my friends etc.
    Peter- Thank you father that
    peter- ya meboy ami fourth father

  7. José Luis Mariano Martínez modi 105
    Juan: Hello! Good morning
    Dorian:Hi Good morning
    Juan: How are you
    Dorian: All right. And you
    Juan: yes
    Juan: all right. what tour name ?

    Man: Do you have a large or small Family


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welcome to this blog, Here you will find useful things  Hello Students !! Let's learn English easily

Jobs and descriptions

Describing people jobs  Look at the next presentation taken from a web page and then in a power point presentation make your familie's job  you must add a photo of then and what they do in their workplace                                   send this presentation to : Jobs

parts of the house